After two days of very hard riding, 350k in total, today we woke up late in trieste at my friend susannah’s cozy flat. After a nice breakfast we walked around the city, seeing the cathedral and an andy warhol exhibit, which was fascinating. Then we sat in cafe degli specci in the main square and watched the world walk by-i might have thought of elizabeth while we were there (it was her recommendation). After noah had horse pizza for lunch we hit the road for croatia. This involved a brief section back through slovenia before rolling through beautiful croatian vineyards. We arrived on the coast after 100k and the light was fading quickly. We lucked out and found a quiet bed and breakfast, which is the only place for miles. The mother of the owner agreed to cook us dinner. Perfect. I love these trips with noah. We push so hard on the bike, see so many wonderful places, and meet so many kind people. Today was another memorable day and i am tired, but truly happy.